Bollywood Diva Shraddha Kapoor never fails to impress us with her sartorial choices. The ever-beautiful actor an rock any style with utmost grace and oomph. The actress took to her social media today to share gorgeous images of herself from Luv Ranjan's wedding in Agra.
The actor has been most recently been in the headlines for her Luv Ranjan directorial starring Ranbir Kapoor with here. The actor attending the wedding of the director in Agra.
In the caption, Shraddha Kapoor wrote, "सूर्य शक्ति ☀️🤍"
Shraddha oozed oomph in an off white ivory lehenga, with a plunging neckline. She tied up her hair in a high ponytail, with statement chandbaali, which overall complimented her look. Her makeup is kept to the minimal.
On the work front, Shraddha is currently running a packed schedule with brand commitments and shoot schedules of Luv Ranjan's next alongside Ranbir Kapoor.