Alia Bhatt starrer Gangubai Kathiawadi is all set to arrive in theatres from tomorrow. The actress is coming back to the big screen after a gap of two years, after a dud Kalank. It's her first-ever collaboration with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, and as the subject is really a bold one, there's a curiosity among movie lovers.
As the film is releasing tomorrow, we'll be taking a look at how it is faring in advance booking across the major cities. So, without wasting any time, let's get started:
Alia Bhatt's Gangubai Kathiawadi is getting the biggest response from Mumbai city. Here, despite the competition from Marathi blockbuster, Pawankhind, the film is showing good signs with around 20% shows almost full advance booking.
Delhi-NCR is slightly below Mumbai. As of now, 15-17% of shows are filling fast. Here, previous films of Alia Bhatt and director Sanjay Leela Bhansali have worked well, so a big boost is expected today.
Gangubai Kathiawadi has got a good showcasing in the city, but despite that, advance ticket sale is dull here so far.
Hyderabad is the city of cinema lovers, and the numbers in the past have proved it. For Gangubai Kathiawadi, around 12-15% of shows are filling fast now. It's an average to above-average response.
Ahmedabad shows a below-average response with just 5% of shows filling fast in the advance ticket sales.
Chennai, Pune & Kolkata
Chennai is decent with some sold-out shows and around 15% shows almost full. Pune is yet to pick up with just a few shows in filling fast mode. Kolkata is all blank with no hype at all.