Rashami Desai flaunts a sling bag worth Rs 2.8 lakh at Shamita Shetty's birthday bash — read details Feb 3rd 2022, 10:21, by support@india.com (BollywoodLife) Rashami Desai and Umar Riaz got a lot of eyeballs when they attended the birthday bash of Shamita Shetty. The actress wore a white bodycon dress with heels. Rashami Desai and Umar Riaz looked great together. The two have been friends since Bigg Boss 13. Umar Riaz was introduced to Rashami Desai via his brother, Asim Riaz. What caught our eye was the red sling bag that Rashami Desai carried for the do. It was from the brand Yves Saint Laurent. The price of the small sling purse is staggering. Here are some details. Rashami Desai was carrying the Kate monogram crossbody bag. The bag costs USD 3, 753 on Farfetch. In Indian money, it is a little more than Rs 2.8 lakh. Isn't that a bomb? The bag sported by Rashami Desai was in red. It is made of genuine calf leather. It has the iconic YSL logo with a tassel detail that makes it even more dainty. A shoulder strap, inside pocket and magnetic clasp are some of the other features. Rashami Desai is one of the highest paid actresses on Indian TV and this is not surprising. Like Rashami Desai, even Mouni Roy is a huge fan of branded sling bags from Chanel and YSL. The actress was seen as a wild card on Bigg Boss 15. She made it to the finals. This year, she has featured on some music videos too. The actress did a great job in Tandoor with Tanuj Virwani. People love the jodi of Umar Riaz and Rashami Desai. Let us see if they do some music video together or not! |