Allu Arjun is on cloud nine after the glorious success of Pushpa. The film not only redefined his stardom but also opened doors for him in the Hindi-speaking belt. With the film's Hindi version crossing the 100 crore mark, the actor has achieved an interesting feat, joining the only actor Prabhas.
In the last few years, South dubbed films have eaten up the market like anything. In fact, there's more of a buzz for South biggies compared to many Bollywood big-ticket releases. It all started with Baahubali: The Beginning, which crossed 100 crores with its Hindi version. With that, it took Prabhas to a new height.
In Koimoi's Stars' Power Index, also known as Star Ranking, Prabhas was the only actor to enter the list with his Hindi debut. If you aren't aware, the actor made his Hindi debut in theatres with Baahubali: The Beginning's dubbed version. To give a short description, in the Stars' Power Index, actors are ranked based on the number of their films in box office coveted clubs. The minimum requirement is 100 crore grosser.
Prabhas scored a century with his first Hindi film, Baahubali, and entered the list. Now, Allu Arjun has joined him with Pushpa. Allu took the box office by storm with his latest release. The PAN Indian film took everyone by surprise as its Hindi version scored a century during its 7th theatrical week. With that, he has become the only actor after Prabhas to enter Star Ranking with his Hindi debut.
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