Electoral Bonds: 'No Setback For BJP'


Electoral Bonds: 'No Setback For BJP'

'It's not really going to bring about purity in the election process.'

'Is it a crime to meet the prime minister?'

'I just invited PM Modi for Kalki Dham for shilanyas, so what crime did I commit as a Congressman?'

'Hamara Hind sabse pyara hai'

'We will teach them about our idol Mohammad Sahab and all the great men of other religions as well.'

'Bollywood is such a waste of time'

'You make a song, it gets rejected, you have to make 10 more.'

From Ironman To Comedian

Anu Vaidyanathan has never passed up an experience life has to offer her.

When Bollywood Stars Got Romantic!

Stars make pretty pictures on Valentine's Day and share it on Instagram.

Was Sarfaraz Playing His First Test?

The wait was a long one - but he made the most of the opportunity handed to him.

Sanjana Aap Bahut Sundar Ho

Her fashion choices is one that's hard to ignore.

Take This Fun, FUN Bollywood Quiz!

Find out just how much you know about the movies.

Disha's Deadly Dhamaka

She isn't afraid to break the mould when it comes to fashion.

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