Gangubai Kathiawadi starring actor Alia Bhatt in the lead role has been soaring at the box office, unbothered by the effects of the pandemic break. The film is not only working exceptionally well despite the COVID restrictions but also making a good amount in terms of overseas collection. According to the most recent update, the film has already crossed the 2 million USD mark, making it clear that the film will also bring in big numbers through international collections.
For the unversed, this drama film hit the theatres in the last week of February 2022 and opened to raving reviews from the audience. The movie stars Alia Bhatt in the lead role and has been directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The film, an official adaptation of the book Mafia Queens of Mumbai by Hussain Zaidi, is based on the life Ganga Harjivandas, who became a prominent political figure, years after being sold into prostitution in Mumbai. The film is not only working well for its hard-hitting storyline but also for the performances put in by the entire cast.
According to the latest box office trends, the film Gangubai Kathiawadi has already been making impressive numbers in not just India but also around the globe. The film made around 10.50 crores on the opening day which was a commendable performance, considering the pandemic dry spell. Over the weekend, it made over 13.32 crores and 15.30 crores, witnessing a surge in ticket sales.
On Monday, Gangubai Kathiawadi box office collection stood at 8 crores, which again, is a steady number for a weekday collection.
According to the most recent reports, the Alia Bhatt starrer is also expected to bring in big numbers from overseas collections. So far, the movie has made over 2.75 million USD and it is expected to surpass the 3 million mark soon.
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