The release date of Shah Rukh Khan's 'Pathan' has been announced. Along with this, the makers have also released a bang teaser video from 'Pathan', in which a glimpse of Shahrukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham has been seen. With this, hashtags like #ShahRukhkhan and #Pathaan have started trending on Twitter. Fans on social media have become excited after watching this video and are giving a lot of reaction to Pathan. Let us show you what the fans on social media are saying about Pathan.
Shahrukh Khan's last film was 'Zero' in the year 2018. Now after many years, he is returning to the big screen, which fans are looking very excited to see. Pathan has been Shah Rukh Khan's dream project on which he has been preparing for a long time. The chemistry of Deepika Padukone and Shahrukh Khan will be seen once again in 'Pathan'. The special thing is that John Abraham will also be seen adding tempering in it.
Salman Khan's fans also started reacting after listening to the release date of 'Pathan'. Fans have started speculating about the release date of Salman Khan's 'Tiger 3'. Fans believe that 'Tiger 3' can be released on Eid 2023.
Pathaan's release date announced, first glimpse of Shahrukh-Deepika-John with a bang teaser videoGauri-Suhana and Aryan arrived at Farhan-Shibani's party, but Shah Rukh Khan was missing, now the reason has come to the fore
'Pathan' is being directed by famous Bollywood director Siddharth Anand. Who has previously directed superhit films like Bang Bang and War. Now he is bringing 'Pathan' with a stellar cast under the banner of Yash Raj Films. The audience is eagerly waiting to see which.
After the announcement of Pathan's release date, fans have become excited and are reacting fiercely on social media.