Prime Video today announced the global premiere of the much-awaited drama thriller Jalsa. Directed by Suresh Triveni, Jalsa is jointly produced by Bhushan Kumar & Krishan Kumar (T-Series), Vikram Malhotra & Shikhaa Sharma (Abundantia Entertainment) and Suresh Triveni. The film features a stellar ensemble of actors like Vidya Balan, Shefali Shah, Manav Kaul, Rohini Hattangadi, Iqbal Khan, Vidhatri Bandi, Shrikant Mohan Yadav, Shafeen Patel, and Surya Kasibhatla.
Suresh Triveni has earlier collaborated with Vidya Balan for the critically acclaimed Tumhari Sulu, and the duo is now coming together for the second feature.
It also marks the third collaboration between Prime Video and Vidya Balan. Jalsa is the next step in the long-standing association between Prime Video and Abundantia Entertainment, following a celebrated content slate that includes Shakuntala Devi, Sherni, Chhorii, Ram Setu, and the hugely popular Amazon Original series Breathe. Jalsa will have a global premiere on Amazon Prime Video on 18 March in India and across 240 countries and territories worldwide.
"Jalsa is one of the most gripping and entertaining films that we've been a part of at T-series and I am thrilled that it is with one of our most trusted partners, Abundantia Entertainment." Bhushan Kumar, Chairman and Managing Director – T-Series added, "We have had an extremely successful collaboration in the past with films like Airlift, Sherni and Chhorii and I look forward to recreating the same magic with Jalsa. I am excited for the film to premiere on Amazon Prime Video as it will allow the film to get a truly global audience as it rightfully deserves."
Jalsa is a highly engaging and captivating tale of conflict, as shown through the life of a top-line journalist and her cook. Replete with spellbinding performances and a nerve-wracking storyline, Jalsa promises to keep you on the edge of your seat, and leave you intrigued for more.