Valimai box office day 4: Ajith's action-packed film rakes in Rs 27.83 crore; beats Rajinikanth's Annaatthe, Vijay's Sarkar and Master Feb 28th 2022, 08:10, by (BollywoodLife) Ajith Kumar has done it again. Boney Kapoor and H Vinoth's Valimai has crossed the 100-crore mark at the global box office. It made Rs 36. 47 crore on day one, which was quite a smashing opening for the big budget movie. Ajith Kumar's Valimai is about a cop who has to clean Chennai city from an organised crime syndicate. The biggest highlight are the action sequences. The movie's first half has been termed as slow by some but it has picked up pace post interval. The edge of the seat bike chase sequence is the real highlight of the movie. It seems the plot is quite logical too. Describing the movie as an action, BollywoodLife's reviewer Russell D'Silva wrote, "Director H. Vinoth displays his flair for white-knuckled, adrenaline-pumping action, with the bike chase sequences and stunt choreography coming across as genuinely original, innovative and a thing to behold." There is some interesting statistic there. The day four figures of Ajith Kumar's Valimai has beaten that of Rajinikanth's Annaatthe as well as Thalapathy Vijay's two films, Master and Sarkar. However, another trade expert told us that Valimai's day four is close to Rs 20 crore. Well, that is more than Vijay's Master. The film's villain Kartikeya Gummakonda is also getting immense love for his performance as Satan. Ajith Kumar's Valimai is proving to be a juggernaut at the box office. Even Huma Qureshi and Gurbani Judge are getting audience appreciation. |