Kaylie and Brandon DeShane from Norwood, New York, USA have three children, Cian, Declan, and Rowan are holding Guinness World Record for the maximum time interval between triplet births.
Many people assume they share the same birthday because they are triplets. These unusual siblings, on the other hand, were not only born on different days, but also in different decades. Cian was born via emergency procedure at 10:40 a.m. on December 28, 2019, at the age of 22 weeks and 6 days. Cian's sister Rowan and his identical twin brother Declan, on the other hand, were born 5 days 12 hours 34 minutes later, on January 2, 2020, at 23:11 and 23:14, respectively.
However this difficult labour was only the beginning of an uphill battle in which these tiny, preterm kids fought for their lives.
Kaylie and Brandon had been trying to conceive for for four years, and it had eventually happened after multiple rounds of IVF. But little did this couple realise that they were about to embark on a gruelling journey of surgeries, infections, hospital stays, and heartbreak that would end with three healthy, world-record-breaking babies.
Kaylie's six-week ultrasound revealed that she was carrying not just one baby, but a set of identical twins at the same time. The couple's chances of producing triplets were only 1.7 percent. She was left heartbroken as she was told that they can't carry three babies.
Despite the rough start and concerns about the babies' future health, Kaylie enjoyed a very smooth pregnancy for the first few months. She had no symptoms and never got sick. At Kaylie's sixteen-week ultrasound, however, the pair learned that something was incorrect with her cervix, which was shrinking and funnelling. This made the cervix more prone to dilatation, which could lead to an early delivery, lowering both the foetus' and the mother's protection.
Kaylie chose surgery, which went smoothly. While Brandon explained that he was terrified from the moment they said there were three in there. He knew things weren't going to go as smoothly as everyone expected when they told us we were expecting three.
Kaylie's waters broke six weeks later, at 22 weeks and five days.Kaylie was transported to the hospital, and every effort was made to rescue the infants.
The nurse went to check on her and then sat next to her and stated that this is about to happen very quickly. Because the medical team couldn't get Cian's heart rate but knew he was already in the delivery canal, Kaylie was taken to the operating room to try to bring him out as soon as possible.
He was born at 22 weeks and 6 days, and his heart rate was barely 30 beats per minute, compared to 70 to 190 for a newborn. Cian weighed barely over a pound at the time and was assessed a 9 percent chance of survival.
Kaylie had to go another five and a half days in labour after already being physically and emotionally exhausted, and with Cian's life on the line.
Kaylie's temperature had risen due to the virus, therefore the decision was taken to deliver Rowan and Declan right away. Kaylie and Brandon were advised that there was a slim chance that all three babies would survive.
They arrived in the NICU [neonatal critical care unit] at 23 weeks and joined Cian. The tiny preemies had to spend months in the hospital and deal with a variety of medical issues.
Kaylie's parental leave came to an end before the babies were even discharged from the hospital. Brandon relocated to Vermont to be closer to the babies, and Kaylie joined him on weekends.
Kaylie and Brandon finally had all of their babies home following four months of unfathomable agony and heartache. Cian was the last to leave the hospital, having spent a total of 122 days there.
Kaylie began to wonder if the triplets' unique birth tale could be world-record-breaking once the babies had settled down at home. She submitted for the Guinness World Record for the longest time between triplet deliveries. On January 13, 2021, the record was confirmed after all necessary evidence and papers were obtained and evaluated.