The weekend of this time in 'The Kapil Sharma Show' is going to be very bang. Kyonri is coming to the show this time with strong singers and actors of Bhojpuri and Bollywood. Everyone including Shaan, Palash Sen, Ravi Kishan, Dinesh Lal Yadav, Amrapali reached the show and had a lot of fun. During this, Krishna Abhishek and Chandan also made fun of the guest. Hearing this, the guests burst into laughter.
In the ongoing promo of the show, Kapil Sharma is questioning these guests as usual. Sandalwood called Ravi Kishan the Bahubali of Bhojpuri, while Kapil called him the Allu Arjun of the poor. Hearing this, the rest including Ravi Kishan could not stop laughing. After this Ravi, Dinesh, Rani Chatterjee and Amrapali also played the Whisper Challenge game. During this, Ravi also sang the song 'Ka Ba' on Kapil's show.
At the same time, in the second part of the video, Kapil is also seen laughing with Singer Palash. Kapil says, 'Palash sir has named his band Bada Smart, Smart English name – Euphoria. Otherwise, people keep it somewhere in their name, like when talking about Kailash Kher, they have kept Kailasha in their own name. If you wanted, you could have kept the palasha too. Hearing this, everyone laughed.