Telangana CM KCR mourns over the death of Lata Mangeshkar, conveys condolences to family members Feb 6th 2022, 08:07, by Pavan Kumar Bandari The legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar passed away at a Mumbai hospital after being ill for a few days. Lata Mangeshkar contracted corona in January and has been receiving treatment at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai ever since. Her health condition was deteriorating as she had pneumonia along with corona and gradually the organs stopped working. The family members said she breathed her last at 08.10 this morning. The film, political, and sports personalities as well as celebrities from all quarters of life paid tributes to Lata Mangeshkar. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao (Telangana CM K Chandrasekhara Rao) has expressed deep grief over the death of Lata Mangeshkar. In a statement, the CM said that her death had left an indelible mark on Indian film music. The CM said Lata Mangeshkar was a gift from God to Indian music and grieved that the song had gone dumb with the death of an ace singer. CM KCR conveyed his deepest condolences to the family members of Lata Mangeshkar. |