o Upcoming Events
• YagaSala:
o Every day Morning:
• 6:00 – 7:30AM: Ashta:kshari: Maha: Manthrajapam
• 8:30AM: Daily Morning Homam
• 12:30PM Purnahuthi
• 5:00PM: Daily Evening Homam
• 9:30PM: Purnahuthi
• IshtiSala:
• Feb 9th
1. LakshminarayanaIsti
Purpose: For properity and health
2. Vainatheyaisti
Purpose: For children(To have Santhanam)
• Feb10th
Vaiyyuhikesti(Aka:lavrushtinivarana and sasyavrudhdhikai)
Narasimha Isti(personality development and self realization,to ward off evil spirits)
• Pravachana Mandapam – Main Stage
o 9th February events:
o We will be starting the day by offering prayer to Lord Hayagriva, starting at 9:30 AM and going for an hour approximately.
o "Dharma:charyaSadassu" is a meeting of saints from all over India, which will happen on 8th and 9th February at 10:30 AM. The summary of recommendations will be presented at 5:30 PM.
o Cultural activities include music and dance performances. These activities will go continuously till about 10 PM. These include Music concert by Dr. Dwaram Lakshmi garu and "Sri Ramanuja PadyaNatakam" by Dr. Soolapani.
• 10th February events:
o We will be starting the day by offering prayer to Bhagavad Ramanuja, starting at 9:30 AM and going for an hour approximately.
o Cultural activities include music and dance performances. These activities will go continuously till about 10 PM. These include Kuchipudi dance performance by Smt. AlekhyaPunjalagaru and "GodaKalyanam" by Smt. Gouthamigaru.