Maharashtra Minority Affairs Minister Nawab Malik was arrested by Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday after being interrogated for eight hours. The minister is arrested in connection to a money laundering case related to the activities of the Mumbai underworld gangster Dawood Ibrahim. Nawab is the same minister who was very vocal when Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan was arrested in October in a drug raid. Scroll below to read the scoop.
Nawab came out of the ED's office and while waving to media, he said, "We will fight and win. We won't bow down." Immediately after that, he was taken for medical checkups. If the reports are to be believed, the minister was grilled over his land deals with Dawood's associates and when he didn't cooperate, the probe agency decided to arrest him.
According to NDTV, Enforcement Directorate (ED) has carried out a few raids lately and amid the same, they took custody of Dawood Ibrahim's brother Iqbal Kaskar in the same case. While investigating the same, ED found evidence related to property in the name of Nawab Malik and that's when the probe agency decided to interrogate him as well.
Reportedly, ED reached Nawab Malik's office at 6 AM in the morning and after questioning him for an hour, he was brought to the probe agency office. Post that, the minister was grilled for eight long hours before making an arrest.
While Nawab was being questioned, NCP leaders came out in support of the leader at the agency and shouted slogans criticizing the BJP.
NCP's spokesperson Sanjay Tatkare said, "The protest is against the unjust questioning of Nawab Malik as he was exposing the BJP+NCB+CBI+ED nexus on a daily basis. We will not be cowed down. NCP will keep exposing BJP and all central agencies."
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