Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt has earned a lot of name in her career so far. There is a steady increase in the fan following of the actress (Alia Bhatt Fan Following). Even her father i.e. Mahesh Bhatt did not expect the place Alia has reached today. However, now he feels that Alia does not need him. Yes, Mahesh Bhatt himself revealed his Dil Ki Baat in an interview. Mahesh Bhatt is very proud of the achievements Alia Bhatt has got in the last years and does not get tired of praising Alia Bhatt.
Mahesh Bhatt has said in an interview that he has always made films to run the house. But whatever Alia is today, behind her is her hard work and dedication. Alia is very intelligent. During this interview, Mahesh Bhatt made a funny disclosure related to his beloved. He told that when Alia was young, she used to apply cream on my feet for 500 rupees.
But with my hard work and dedication, the amount of money he has earned today, I could not earn in the last 50 years of life. Talking further, the filmmaker said that there is a world full of spectators. In such a situation, a lot of courage is needed to become an artist. I have a lot of respect for these people who make films with hard work. Whatever comes in their way, they fight and start over again. This thing is especially for those people who touch the heights at a very young age.
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