Dharmendra Movie: Dharmendra, the Hemaman of Bollywood, is from the person who had realized at first sight that Hema Malini was his dream girl. Seeing him, the actor had even forgotten that he was married and the father of four children. However, there was a time when Heiman was very keen to work with an actress and waited 10 years to work with the actress. But the surprising thing is that she was not the Mallika of his dreams, Hema Malini.
As everyone knows, tales of Bollywood stars are often viral. In such a situation, an anecdote related to Dharmendra has also surfaced on social media, when he showed the excitement of working in the film with his favorite actress. In an interview, Dharmendra had told that he had to wait for 10 years for the actress he was most interested to work with. This actress was none other than the beautiful Sadhana of her time (Actress Saadhna). Dharmendra got a chance to work with Sadhna in the early days of his career, but alas, he could not succeed at that time.
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Actually, this is from the year 1960 when Dharmendra was being cast with Sadhana, but Dharmendra failed in the screen test. This movie was 'Love In Shimla'. After this, Dharmendra was never getting a chance to work with Sadhna, while he was very excited to work with her. However, after a long wait of 10 years, Dharmendra got a chance to work with Sadhna in the film 'Ishq Par Zor Nahi'.
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However, after this Dharmendra never got such an opportunity again, because according to reports, by then Sadhna was married and had distanced herself from films. Let us tell you that Sadhana was one of the popular and top actresses of that time. Every actor wanted to work with him.