Andhra Pradesh Ministers Adimulapu Suresh and Buggana Rajendranath Reddy have released the schedule for Class X and Inter examinations in the state. Tenth class exams will be held from May 2 to May 13 and timings of examinination will be held from 9.30 am to 12.45 pm. On the other hand, intermediate exams will be held from April 8 to 28 to be held from from 9 am to 12 noon.
The education minister Suresh has already made it clear that it is necessary to take exams for the future of the students. The ministers said there will be practicals exams for intermediate from March 11 to 31.
He said that schools and colleges are running under the new rules. It was also revealed that the exams will be conducted in compliance with the Coronavirus rules.
It is learned that the Intermediate Board has reduced the syllabus by 30 per cent due to the late start of the 2021-22 academic year amid coronavirus outbreak and inability to conduct offline classes. Public examinations will be conducted to the extent that 70 per cent of the syllabus is taught to the students.
intermediate examination schedule
SSC and examination schedule