Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali who has been looking forward to the release of his upcoming film Gangubai Kathiawadi has tested positive for COVID-19. Reportedly, he tested positive on the sets of the film. The shoot of the film has been halted for now.
Reportedly, Bhansali is quarantined in his office and his mother has also taken a COVID-19 test. Reports further state that Alia Bhatt, who is the lead actress of the film has also gone in quarantine and has taken a COVID-19 test. The results for the same are awaited. The rest of the cast and crew of the film are also getting tested for the same.
Earlier today, it was reported that Ranbir Kapoor has also contracted COVID-9 and is currently in isolation. It is being reported that the shoot of Brahmastra has also been stalled owing to the recent development of the health of the lead cast.