On the eve of International Women’s Day, Amazon Prime Video celebrates the strength of women by unveiling the first look of their untitled upcoming Original series starring Sonakshi Sinha in the lead. The first look features the actor playing a tough cop in what will be her digital debut. The series also features Vijay Varma, Gulshan Devaiah and Sohum Shah. The series is produced by Executive producers Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar (Excel Media and Entertainment) along with Zoya Akhtar and Reema Kagti (Tiger Baby), and is directed by Reema Kagti and Ruchika Oberoi marking Reema’s second outing with Amazon Prime Video following Made in Heaven, and Excel Media and Entertainment’s fourth collaboration following Mirzapur, Inside Edge and Made in Heaven.
Speaking of the series, director Reema Kagti reveals, “Sonakshi is an actor with the ability to seamlessly fit into every character she plays. She plays a tough cop in the series, and it is a delight to see her sink her teeth into the skin of the character. I’m excited to collaborate with Amazon Prime Video once again and truly looking forward to bringing this show to audiences across the world.”
The untitled series is produced by Excel Media and Entertainment and Tiger Baby and will be directed by Reema Kagti and Ruchika Oberoi and marks Sonakshi Sinha’s digital debut.
source https://www.bollywoodhungama.com/news/bollywood/first-look-sonakshi-sinha-makes-ott-debut-amazon-prime-videos-untitled-original/