Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case has taken a new turn as his father filed an FIR in Patna. The actor’s father, KK Singh has alleged that Rhea Chakraborty and her family members were the reason that Sushant distanced himself from his family. The allegations also include that Rhea took all of his money and jewelry from his house on June 8 before leaving. The police in Patna have appointed four officers to travel to Mumbai who will be looking into the matter.
According to a statement given by Sushant’s family’s lawyer, Vikas Singh, he said that the Mumbai Police was not ready to register an FIR and asked them to involve big production houses and give their names. Since the matter was going in a different direction, they had to file it in Patna. While the police in Patna was hesitant, after CM Nitish Kumar and Minister Sanjay Jha spoke to them, they did it.
So far, Sushant’s family has not asked for a CBI inquiry.