Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case has taken a massive turn after his father filed an FIR against Rhea Chakraborty with multiple allegations. The Mumbai Police had been questioning everyone in his contact for the past month and a half and were yet to reach a conclusion. However, it is not unknown to us that Rhea Chakraborty’s questioning went on for over 9 hours. Now that the FIR has been filed, Rhea’s lawyer will be filing for anticipatory bail on her behalf today.
It has been reported that officials from Bihar Police will travel to Mumbai to meet up with the officers and the DCP of Crime Branch. They will go through all the pieces of evidence collected so far and are planning to come up with a course of action. Bihar Police will also be getting a hold on Sushant Singh Rajput’s bank account details considering one of the allegations put by his father on Rhea Chakraborty.
Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta Singh Kirti and Ankita Lokhande have posted on their Instagram saying that truth wins.
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput death case: Ankita Lokhande says ‘truth wins’ and the picture speaks volumes