Satyamev Jayate season 2 :Aamir tackles corruption and scams tactfully

At a time when numerous scams grabbing the headlines has become an order of the day, Aamir Khan elaborated on how black money has marred the progress of the country at every possible level.  Scams have become so prevalent-so much so- that we simply shrug our shoulders at the mind-numbing regularity with which these scams have tumbled out of the closet, robbing our country  tremendous prosperity and a better standard of living  it commands.

Naturally, rise of illegal money in the system is slated as one of the biggest reasons of ever-increasing inflation.  In the fourth episode of Satyamev Jayate, Aamir Khan shaded light on the grave issue tactfully. With the able help of statistics, data and thorough research Khan showed how these malpractices can be stopped both at the personal level and at the level of society at large. It was interesting to see how the episode unfolded.
In the promo of the said episode Khan had stated that India is not a poor country and every citizen is a millionaire, but the very next moment the actor asked, almost pensively,if you don’t have the sum then where it is. A clear indication that Khan was all set to highlight the issue of corruption and black money, which has marred the prevalent UPA government.
The prominent highlight of the shows was the presence of Shankar Singh of Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan. Singh reflected upon the significance of an RTI application that can be filed by all Indian citizens. He also stated that delay in responding amounts to a penalty of Rs. 250 per day from the concerned official’s salary. “ Kaagaz mein sab kuch hain, kaagaz mein puri sarkar hain. Kaagaz se he chalti hai. Kaagaz bina kuch hai hee nahi,” he stated the power of RTI matter of factually with that powerful summery.
Aamir then invited Somwya Kidambi of Society for Social Audits, accountability and transparency. The feisty lady helped shed light on the fact that all is not lost in this country, not as yet. With many youngsters engaging themselves actively to see to it that transparency is maintained- even in their small capacity-to keep the system regulated and clean. Kidambi explained social audits with the might of  which nearly 3000 corrupt government officials have been terminated from their services and nearly 5000 disciplinary actions (including suspension)have taken against those who were found corrupt.

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