Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan have always been fond of each other. While rumours suggested that this duo was in a relationship neither of them has confirmed. And what’s best is that they socialise, shared the couch on Karan Johar’s chat show and even are ready for their next film together. And guess what the Student Of The Year stars will be seen in a sensuous lovemaking scene in their next film together.Apparently a difficult intimate scene was canned for Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhaniya recently with Alia and Varun very comfortably slipping into their roles. Looks like the new generation of actors are quite bold. And we are actually pleased to hear that this duo didn’t share any discomfort during or post the shoot.
While Alia was upset when pictures of her bedroom scene with Randeep Hooda inHighway made headlines. The actor vehemently denied this entire episode and even said that those pictures fake. But looks like now this cure and bubbly actor is ready to take some big bold steps in Bollywood