Bigg Boss 7 Which housemate will win Rs 4 lakh

The contestants will turn music composers on tonight’s episode of Bigg Boss 7

Over the past two months, we have seen different shades of the Bigg Boss 7contestants. When given a chance, they have displayed their exceptional talents and entertained one and all. In tonight’s episode, Bigg Boss will decide to get the inmates’ creative juices flowing – they will be asked to compose a parody, as a task.The housemates will be divided into two teams and asked to narrate their journeys in Bigg Boss 7 through a song. Team A consists of Armaan Kohli, Tanishaa Mukherji, Sangram Singh and VJ Andy, while Team B includes Kamya Punjabi,Gauahar Khan, Kushal Tandon and Ajaz Khan.
Both teams will be given time to put the song together and practice their performance. After the buzzer rings, the housemates will assemble in the activity area for their performance. But a twist will be introduced at this point. To make the task more interesting, the contestants will be asked to sit on a rotating chair for a couple of minutes and then walk on the connected railing towards the stage to give their performance. The winning team who is able give a flawless performance without tumbling or fumbling will be awarded a cash prize of Rs 4 lakh. While Armaan’s team will highlight the journey from Jahannum to Jannatin their song, Kamya’s team will focus on the Saath 7 factor in their composition.
Both the teams give spectacular performances by showcasing their talents, but who will walk away with the reward money? Let’s wait and watch
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