Parineeti Chopra has an addiction and the actor just couldn’t let go of it even while shooting for her film Shudh Desi Romance. Such was Parineeti’s obsession that director Maneesh Sharma had to make this habit of the young actor’s a part of her onscreen character. And before you jump the gun, let us clear this for you – Parineeti is addicted to chai! The actor is such a tea fan that she would sip the stuff in between scenes, no matter what time of day it was. This inspired her director so much that he made it a part of her character in the film, a gal called Gayatri. This certainly must have made Parineeti happy. And judging by the promos and songs that we have seen, we are sure that the bubbly character that Pari seems to be portraying in the film had to be inspired by the young lady herself!
While Parineeti was delighted with this use of her real-life passion for her reel-life character, we wonder if all that chai is the actor’s secret to newly found svelte figure and overall fitness!