Sooraj Barjatya has teamed up with Salman Khan after a long hiatus for his next directorial venture. Now, the new buzz about this project is that Being Human Salman Khan may romance With Katrina Kaif in this project after the blockbuster 'Ek Tha Tiger' by YRF. The buzz is that Sooraj Barjatya has nearly finalized Katrina Kaif to star opposite Sallu mia in this venture which has to be titled yet.
Though, previously it was heard that Barjatya may rope in leggy lass Anushka Sharma to romance Dabangg Sallu. But the insider source close to the film recently revealed that Katrina has been almost finalized as the female lead and Barjatya will soon make the official announcement for the same as soon as Katrina signs on the dotted line, once her dates and other things get worked out.
The magical duo which looks cute together was earlier seen in films like 'Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya' and 'Yuvraaj'.
Though, previously it was heard that Barjatya may rope in leggy lass Anushka Sharma to romance Dabangg Sallu. But the insider source close to the film recently revealed that Katrina has been almost finalized as the female lead and Barjatya will soon make the official announcement for the same as soon as Katrina signs on the dotted line, once her dates and other things get worked out.
The magical duo which looks cute together was earlier seen in films like 'Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya' and 'Yuvraaj'.