Makeup Artist American Mark Garbarino, who worked on the look of Priyanka Chopra for the biopic based on the life of Mary Kom, which is produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and directed by Omung Kumar, says that has not been paid for their time and effort . He sent us exclusive photos of what he has done off the PC ... check it out!
Only when we wonder if the producers of the new movie of Priyanka Chopra in the life of boxer Mary Kom VFX services or prosthesis would resort to the actress look like Olympic medalist, we discovered a recent controversy over the film. We received an email from a certain brand Garbarino who claimed to have worked in art Priyanka makeup, using makeup skills to transform a sexy girl in northeast India. And the gentleman is really annoying! But why?
Makeup Artist U.S. nationality we work in the search for Priyanka to give your face a oriental says, but has not been paid yet. "After giving a few photoshop jobs from $ 325 USD, they (movie producers) called for a meeting with the actress, April 7 at his hotel in Los Angeles to make a mold of his face and makeup tests. The process of creating a facial prosthetic reproduction requires the actor to sculpt a new look, and then molded and cast in a silicone material expensive, "reads the email. As we see in these images have built an eyelid Priyanka prosthesis to meet the look you are looking for the movie ..
The statement also says that the producers of the film have stopped responding to calls or text messages from Marcos. "From 7-14 April, I visited her three times, with different molds in the Beverly-Wilshire Hotel, and I made a series of flashes cordially prosthesis, ethnic and Asian eyelid. During the 10 days in Blue Lotus payment discussed the matter, that dropped to $ 4,500, this during work days and work materials. they know about the legal ownership of the brand Garbarino, and I do not always pay a foreign entity, "email lists is done.
Just two days ago we told how the producers decided first to use prosthesis biopic, but then decided to create the look of Priyanka through special effects produced by Red Chillies VFX owned by Shahrukh Khan. Now show us exactly what it is, or at least the appearance of Priyanka with exclusive footage that Mark Garbarino has decided, in his anger, shown the evidence. Will it fit the film on non-compliance issues? We have to wait to know more about it. For now, we wonder how the producers of the film answers this story "revealing"!