Poonam Pandey takes alcohol before a shoot to give a real edge in ‘Nasha’

Bollywood actress and strip sensation, Poonam Pandey recently spoke about how she performs her role for ‘Nasha‘. The actress apparently takes the help of some spirits before going in for her role. The actress said that spirits do help her in donning the character required for the role as it brings out the real self out onto the screen.
Speaking about this new added ‘real edge’ for the film, the actress said “I try to take some alcohol in order to make our film more real as it deals with ‘Nasha’ which means intoxication.My director has asked me to do so before I shoot a scene. I really enjoy these bits of filming which deal with me getting high and then performing my roles. Right now also I am a little tipsy so my New Year resolutions for the year have taken a break.”
The director of the film, had apparently taken some scenes out of the 31st December party to include them in the film. Poonam revealed some insights about her director’s ‘saving on the bill’ technique. “Our director has come up with an idea to include few portions of the party in the movie. Everyone is having a ball of a time including the crew and I am excited about it.”
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